Our approach to problem solving
It used to be said that the creative process could not be controlled. The advent and development of TRIZ made it possible to solve inventive problems methodically rather than intuitively. Now the view of creativity is changing, the pendulum has swung again in the direction of the creative approach, a flight of limitless imagination. People say that the farther you go beyond, the sooner you solve the problem.
We consider this approach one-sided. At the time of Altshuller, there was balance between creativity and logic, so TRIZ was effective. Breakthrough ideas most often appear when the solver establishes a rigid thinking framework and the system transformation possibilities are limited to the maximum. It is necessary to strive for an ideal solution to a problem, when the solution goal is achieved without the need to change anything in the system.
The main skill required when solving an inventive problem is the ability to think. However, chaotic reasoning can be of little use. To effectively solve a problem, all the links of the thinking chain should be logically connected, consistent, and one action should follow from another.
Of course, solving each particular problem implies a unique set of actions that only holds for this problem. In addition, the solver's personality, his individual style of thinking and experience inevitably influence the problem-solving process. However, it is quite possible to identify universal problem situations and typical actions for improvement of problem situations, to outline the reference points identical for a large class of problems. Such an algorithm, AIPS 2015 (algorithm for improvement of problem situations) is the basis of our course.
We developed the AIPS 2015 algorithm by combining the approaches of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) and the General Theory of Strong Thinking (OTSM) and repeatedly tested it by solving problems for SAMSUNG and POSKO companies. The problem-solving process presented in TRIZ-trainer is based on this algorithm. It is somewhat simplified, but is absolutely sufficient for solving the problems provided in TRIZ-trainer.
What is described in the "Problem-solving process" section?
TRIZ-trainer offers a certain step-by-step problem-solving sequence. The steps are presented in a template that should be filled out by performing necessary actions. This section describes the implementation of each step of the template, gives necessary recommendations and explanations supported by OTSM and TRIZ provisions. The main methodological provisions used in inventive problem solving are arranged in accordance with the process of solving the problem considered in this training course.
How is it organized?
The left window of the "Theory" section shows the main actions that should be performed to solve the problem. The right window contains texts that explain the purpose and essence of these actions. It also includes practical recommendations, theoretical comments and examples. The actions are described in such a way that one can read the section consecutively as a book;or alternatively you can choose to study those parts that you did not fully understand during problem solving or after examining the case studies.
More information support
The «Additional information» and «List of references» sections are a kind of continuation of this section.
In the "Additional information" section, you can find more detailed explanation of mechanisms and models used in problem solving.
The "List of references" section contains a list of additional sources on this topic such as links to Internet sources and printed publications that help you better understand how to solve inventive problems. As to the TRIZ-trainer content, recommendations will be given on what sources and which of their parts should be additionally studied to better understand the actions performed during problem solving.